Systems Approach to Learning from Patient Safety Incidents – PSIRF

Systems Approach to Learning from Patient Safety Incidents – two-day PSIRF Course Training & Development Services Framework – Lot 4a Being Human in Healthcare Ltd are NHSE endorsed providers for all three mandated courses relating to the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF). This two-day course Systems Approach to Learning from Patient Safety Incidents is mandated for all those working as learning response leads and in oversight roles. The course is designed and delivered by senior healthcare professionals with significant experience in human factors, patient safety and delivering high quality education. The course covers the key elements of the new PSIRF requirements, including but not limited to the use of the SEIPS model in practice, Safety II and Systems Thinking, contributory factors, patient engagement, speaking with staff, creating psychological safety and a Just Culture.

To aid learning the course takes a step wise approach, using the established Flow Chart of Safety Management (designed in collaboration with the PSIRF team) Human in Healthcare Ltd have adapted the NHSE toolkit into a simplified, user friendly version. During the course participants are taught how to use these tools and are supplied with their own electronic Being Human Toolkit.This course is available both face to face and virtually, and uses healthcare related scenarios and examples to ensure relevance and engagement. Both online and face to face courses involve formal teaching, small group discussion, video examples, facilitated discussions and simulation.“You were both so great at delivering this training. Very informative and created in a way to make it interactive. Thank you!” “I enjoyed this course. It was really well structured and memorable. The flow diagram is clear and concise” How to book – book directly with Being Human or through the National Training & Development Services, EOECPH (FTS Ref number 2021/S 000-022480Contact Us
3. flow chart of safety management process final