Healthcare Consulting Services

Professor Suzette Woodward

Suzette is a patient safety expert with over 25 years’ experience and expertise gained from working in and with hospitals and community teams in the National Health Service. Her career includes high profile national roles as a Board Director in both the National Patient Safety Agency and NHS Resolution, Director for Patient Safety First campaign and National Clinical Director for the Sign up to Safety Campaign. Her most recent role was as professional clinical advisor to the Department of Health and Social Care. Suzette worked as the national specialist patient safety advisor and has been freelance since 2020 Suzette has written two books and is currently writing her third book. The books reflect her work and expertise in patient safety. This includes the growing recognition that there is a need to rethink the way patient safety has been approached in healthcare. Suzette has studied in depth all aspects of safety. Suzette has a professional doctorate in patient safety and a masters in clinical risk. In particular she is passionate about helping people who work in healthcare to apply patient safety policy and the emerging concepts of Safety I and Safety II, the just culture and psychological safety.

Contact Suzette

Services available Stategic safety advice for induviduals & leadership teams bespoke coaching and mentoring Safety masterclasses (full & half day) International and national keynote speaker.

Professor Suzette Woodward DSc, DProf, MSc, PgDMS, RGN, RSCN

Mark Sujan C.ErgHF Trustee CIEHF

Mark Sujan C.ErgHF

Mark Sujan is a Chartered Ergonomist (C.ErgHF) and a Trustee of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors.Mark is the Managing Director of Human Factors Everywhere Ltd. Our clients include leading universities (University of Oxford, University of York), public organisations and healthcare providers, charities and small businesses. Human Factors Everywhere is a registered consultancy with the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF), providing assurance to clients that they can expect trustworthy and accredited ergonomics expertise. Our name is our vision and aspiration – to contribute Human Factors & Ergonomics expertise to all walks of life to improve the safety and efficiency of activities, and the wellbeing of people. email:

Contact Mark

Services available Ergonomics input to applied research projects Consultancy & training in Human Factors and Ergonomics across a range of safety-critical industries.